Five Survival Myths You Need to Know

What with the world wide web and all the convenience it provides, it’s easier now than ever to find out whatever you want to know with just a few taps on your keyboard. But, even with unlimited information at your fingertips, every truth will come accompanied by some pretty outrageous things. While those tips are usually pretty low-risk even if you do decide to try them, we’re here to give you a heads-up on a few of the myths that aren’t just outrageous, but could cost you your life.

1: You Can Suck the Venom Out of a Snake Bite
Firstly, cutting into a snakebite will only serve to worsen an already serious wound. You aren’t even providing yourself with a practical way to remove the poison, and if you are in any way successful, any that you are able to remove will will be on your mouth, skin, and throat. Best case scenario? Severe tracheal damage and heavy skin irritation. Really the only first aid you can provide for yourself or anyone else is to use anti-venom and wrap the head and the wound itself in a cool, wet bandana while awaiting emergency medical assistance. The only reason this is a myth in the first place is because of how often it’s shown on movies and television shows which is, if that’s the only place you see it, a pretty good sign it isn’t legit.

2: Shelter = Safety
While a decent shelter may provide you with some protection, you aren’t likely to build anything super stellar when you’re on the run. You also aren’t likely to stumble upon an abandoned maximum security prison with fences, an armory, and months worth of food supplies. So building your sad little lean-to is still necessary; it’ll block out some of the wind, keep the rain off your head, and maybe even warm you up a bit if it’s insulated. Finding shelter is not the endgame. You’ll still probably be uncomfortable, and you’ll still have to build a fire and keep an eye out for potential threats. Remember, you are not Rick Grimes, and this is not the Walking Dead.

3: Food Is The First Priority
It’s not. Yes, starvation is a legitimate threat when you’re in the wild, but don’t worry about it quite so much- there are plenty of other things that will take you out first. While every person is different, you could survive up to four weeks or even longer without food, in which time you could easily die of dehydration or hypothermia. So stay warm, hydrated, and prioritized.

4: If You’ve Been Stabbed, Pull the Object Out
Again, this myth has been brought about by the countless on-screen heroes and heroines who, when injured, promptly remove the knife/sword/spear/miscellaneous sharp object and tend to their wounds before going on with their noble quest (or death mission). In a real-life situation, not only will this hurt about as much as getting the wound did, it will also speed up your blood loss, making the situation even more desperate than it was before. Instead, you need to do your best to dress the wound and keep the object steady and stable. (Any and all noble quests/death missions will have to be postponed until a late date.)

5: Moss Only Grows On the North Side of Trees
While moss does grow better on the north side, it can grow on any side of the tree as long as it receives proper water and shade. So don’t count on moss as a navigational tool as it may lead you in the right direction, but will most likely only serve to get you more lost than ever and seriously threaten the chances of your survival.

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