Lunatic Expert States It’s ‘All But Certain’ We’re on the Cusp of a Massive War With Russia
The Ukrainian-born MSNBC favorite Alexander Vindman, best known for his function in the Trump impeachment, has informed the network’s viewership that we are almost certainly on the cusp of a war with Russia equivalent to The second world war.
“I think we’re generally simply on the cusp of war,” the retired lieutenant colonel told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace on Friday. “I think it’s all however specific in my mind that there’s going to be a large European war on the order of magnitude of World War II, with air power, sea power, huge ground force offensives, and my issue right now is ensuring that the United States is postured for that result. I believe there’s little to be done to prevent it at this point.”
Rather than yell and yell like a normal human being at Vindman’s incendiary claims about a near-certain world war against a nuclear superpower, Wallace merely asked Vindman to clarify that he did indeed believe it’s an inevitable conclusion that there is going to be a military conflict with Russia on the level of the second world war. Vindman maintained throughout the appearance that there was going to be a war with Russia, that it would be large, that it would involve Ukraine, which Russia would be the aggressor.
“I wish to God I’m wrong,” Vindman stated at the end of the section. “But I’m willing to go ahead and raise this alarm, put my trustworthiness on the line, to ensure that people are taking note.”
“I think we’re essentially simply on the cusp of war. I think it’s all however certain in my mind that there’s going to be a large European war … My concern now is ensuring that the U.S. is postured for that result … The ball is in Putin’s court”– @AVindman w/ @NicolleDWallace pic.twitter.com/QXiGv4B9as– Deadline White Home(@DeadlineWH)January 22, 2022 This massive claim needs to be treated really seriously. It must be treated seriously not because
that Moscow has no great reason to release an unprovoked attack on Ukraine and war is entirely avoidable, and Kiev is informing the public to stop stressing over a Russian intrusion), however since there’s no way for this claim not to be a big deal. Think about it. If Vindman’s claims hold true then we ought to all be running around like our hair is on fire demanding our federal governments move heaven and earth to avoid this horror from being released upon our world. If his claims are not true then an US news network just aired brazen disinformation
about a matter of exceptional importance, and ironically did so right after the US State Department published a lengthy report on the risks of Russian disinformation on RT and Sputnik( which remained in turn paradoxical because, as The Dissident explains, the report is itself jam-packed filled with disinfo). Fellow virulent Russia hawk Michael McFaul appeared in the very same MSNBC section as Vindman however took a less hysterical technique, saying he doesn’t know what Putin is going to do. McFaul said that between doing nothing and launching a full-blown ground invasion Putin likewise has alternatives like”cyber attacks, restricted aircraft attacks, weapons attacks, taking Donbass, assaulting and after that pulling away without bringing any soldiers in.
“McFaul later on claimed that Biden was too focused on opposing China throughout his very first year in workplace, causing the Russia situation to leave control.” I am very prepared to simply flat-out state that we are on the cusp of war,”Vindman countered in disagreement with his fellow propagandist, citing as evidence a movement of Russian soldiers into western Russia while conveniently leaving out the fact that thousands of them have because withdrawn from the location. Now what? Diplomacy seems a dead-end & the U.S. & West have done little on deterrence. Russia’s offensive against Ukraine will be the biggest in Europe
considering that The Second World War & there is absolutely nothing efficient being done to prevent it. Start working contingencies & arm Ukraine. https://t.co/r2C6aS8ftl– Alexander S. Vindman (@AVindman )January 13, 2022 Nothing either of these clowns state ought to be taken as true; any random schmuck off the street would be better-qualified to use opinions on Russia than dopey mainstream liberal pundits who have actually invested the last five years being consistently wrong about that nation. However we should take very seriously the fact that they are working to place these stories into public consciousness. To my knowledge Russian state media have actually not been telling Russians that a world war between nuclear-armed countries is”all however particular”. To the very best of my knowledge just western propagandists are indoctrinating westerners with such insanity. You can find out a lot by just enjoying who is pressing what narrative. The idea that it
‘s currently far too late to stop a world war-level dispute with a nuclear superpower is exceptionally hazardous. If the general public can be manipulated
into accepting this as fact then their top priorities move from firmly insisting that their leaders avoid this unimaginable event from being inflicted upon our world to supporting whatever may safeguard them and their enjoyed ones from being ruined by it. We collapse into the exact same discovered helplessness we’re trained to sink into when we’re told that a given political candidate is inescapable or a given grassroots effort is doomed
to fail. And if that mind infection does take hold we might be specific that the very same brainwashed human animals who’ve been discounting us for warning that all the cold war escalations over these last couple of years can cause hot war will be the very first to doublethink their method into a complete cognitive 180 and begin assuring us that hot war is inescapable so there’s no use attempting to prevent it. Somebody take advantage of all this, and it isn’t you. @SenatorWicker:” Vladimir Putin is the neighborhood bully, and he’s never gotten a bloody nose from anything he’s ever done. […] I do believe individuals of Ukraine this time will resist whatever happens, and it would be a mistake that Putin would regret for a long, long period of time.”pic.twitter.com/6C2L8paHVB– The Hill(@thehill)January 21, 2022 This comes as withered gerontocrats in the United States government bravely announce that it’s time to offer Putin
a” bloody nose “over the current tensions. It comes as lots of US-supplied weapons pour into Ukraine, and it comes as the US president himself reveals that he thinks a Russian invasion of Ukraine is most likely. These people are playing games with the lives of everybody on our planet, and they don’t even appear to comprehend that that’s what they’re doing. This is so, so hazardous, and there do not seem to be any
adults behind the wheel. We’re being pied pipered off a precipice from which there is no return by blind
males with their hands in their pants. We the residents of this world can not permit this to continue. We’ve got to find some method to stop these pricks. caityjohnstone.medium.com