Let’s call this financial system what it actually is: the MetaPerverse, a conjured world of self-serving cons.
We live in a peculiar juncture of history in which truth has been eliminated as a danger to the maximization of private gain, i.e. the hyper-pursuit of self-interest. Proof that supports a causal chain has been changed by cherry-picked information that supports a self-serving story: both the evidence and narrative are manufactured to serve the interests of the few at the expense of the lots of.
In this juncture of history, evidence is easily challenged due to the fact that the procedure of manufacturing self-serving evidence has been perfected. Undoubtedly, self-serving proof is now a commodity which can be acquired wholesale: rig the sample size, massage the data statistically, create a context that serves to frame the proof in a slippery self-interested style, leave out indifferent evidence and contexts, top with arcane mathematics and voila, evidence and narrative exist as “facts” rather than what they truly are, a fancy, well-staged con designed to take full advantage of the personal gains of the few by exploiting the many.
Organizing the entire system to serve the pathological greed of the couple of is best served by devaluing truth to mere opinion and causal chains to mere narratives. In this point of history, reality has been exposed as a chimera; there is only viewpoint, and all opinions are equivalent. Viewpoints are beliefs, and all beliefs are equivalent. All stories are equivalent. All questions come down to worths: worths are all equally detached, free-floating and of the same worth: absolutely no.
This con has reached excellence in our financial system, which is now enhanced for exploitation and sociopaths. As Nassim Taleb has actually discussed (referencing Adam Smith), markets just operate if there are guidelines which are imposed similarly on all participants. In our monetary system, there are 2 sets of rules: one which we can summarize as anything goes for the super-wealthy and the well-connected, and another set for everyone else.
Shear the sheep of billions, pay a modest fine– and if all your bets spoil, get bailed out due to the fact that you’re too essential to stop working. Sneak a couple of thousand out of the cooperative credit union, go to prison. Sell a financial item that’s created to fold as low-risk, oh well, buyer beware, haha, that’s simply the free enterprise at work. Sell a nickel bag of drugs, get a tenner in the Gulag.
Two sets of rules: one simulacrum of rules for the rich— simply another con, actually– and punitive rules for everybody else.
Considering that evidence, causal chains and values have actually all been decreased the value of, there is no longer any recognition that the desire for gain– greed– can be either exploitive or helpful to the lots of. If your greed drives you to make an item that is much faster, better, less expensive, more long lasting and effective than what’s currently available, your gain is the result of an advance that serves the interests of the many.
If your desire for gain leads you to misrepresent a substandard product designed to fail (subprime mortgages, Landfill Economy products) or you raise the rate since you can, your greed serves your interests at the expense of the many. This is the acme of exploitation. Kleptocrats and sociopaths, rejoice!
This system is enhanced for exploitation, as the exploiters can make use of the numerous without the numerous even acknowledging they have actually been stripmined. We no longer have the methods to distinguish scams from fact or exploitation from rules-based markets.
This landscape of wide-open exploitation and debauchery is Paradise on Earth for sociopaths who not just do not see any distinction in between gains skimmed at others’ expense and gains made by offering a remarkable item/ service, they revel in making use of the system and every participant: staff members, partners, providers, depositors, customers and consumers.
However in this desert of exploitation and the supremacy of self-interest, some things stay true and others stay incorrect. Some facts remain self-evident. As I have actually shown here sometimes, we can take a look at the per hour incomes and cost of essentials in 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 and the present and calculate how many hours of labor it required to pay for fundamentals such as rent, property taxes, health care, child care, taxes, education, and so on. These calculations expose that the acquiring power of salaries has decreased for decades. This evidence can not be made to vanish by stating it opinion, belief or a “various set of values”– it is reality.
If we measure prosperity by just how much labor can purchase, all however the leading couple of wage earners are less prosperous today. The proof and causal chain are self-evident. The self-centered few who have enjoyed the huge majority of the economy’s gains can work with shills to argue that since Televisions now require less hours of labor to buy, we’re all much better off, but these obfuscations are absolutely nothing more than diversions developed to divert our attention from the systems of exploitation that are operating 24/7 beneath the ceaseless churn of “news” and “market action.”
Let’s call this monetary system what it really is: the MetaPerverse, a conjured world of self-serving cons that is optimized for exploitation, the perversion of justice, limitless inequality and the stripmining of the lots of to the benefit of the few, all securely secured by a cloud of confusion in which whatever is equally valueless and reality no longer exists. All that remains is a babble of completing cons.
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