Eventually the “flock of timid and industrious animals” changes their minds about just how much exploitation by the couple of is appropriate.
You might have seen the news flow beyond the hot war in Ukraine is mainly focused on capital: financial capital (markets, liquidity, interest rates, products, central bank tightening, and so on) and political capital (geopolitical maneuvering, sanctions, modifying energy and defense policies, etc)
Notice who’s overlooked, unnoticed and invisible? The serfs, the bottom 90% who have been decapitalized in the developed world and made use of in the establishing world for the previous 45 years.
With capital ascendant, the huge bulk of financial and political gains streamed to the leading tier of speculative capital (banks and billionaires) while the buying power of labor (i.e. incomes) has been in a 45-year descent. (See chart listed below)
This disemboweling of labor moved $50 trillion from labor to capital in the U.S. alone. Financialization and globalization decreased the value of labor and working-class properties such as cost savings and enhanced leveraged speculative bets only available to financiers and corporations, for instance, stock buybacks moneyed by the tsunami of free money for investors released by the Federal Reserve and other central banks. (See chart listed below)
Although the business media gives it no notification, serf-expression will end up being progressively consequential. No, serf-expression is not a typo for self-expression, the core doctrine of modernism. By serf-expression I mean the serf’s expression of what is no longer acceptable. Another term for this is cultural revolution. I resolve social and cultural revolutions in my new book, International Crisis, National Renewal: A (Revolutionary) Grand Method for the United States.
Is a Cultural Transformation Brewing in America? (April 9, 2021)
When the serfs no longer believe in the divine right of banks and billionaires, then the concentration of economic and political power in the hands of the few will no longer be appropriate, despite the fawning rationalizations being offered by the toadies, sycophants, enforcers, apparatchiks, minions, lackeys and other apologists for a status quo that benefits the couple of at the expenditure of the many.
Serf expressions are not arranged by centralized political celebrations; they are self-organizing revolts against a stopped working religious beliefs worshiping capital and an unsuccessful system of centralized authoritarianism and exploitation. Serf expressions occur without caution and can not be managed by central authoritarianism, as the revolution remains in the sphere of values and what’s no longer acceptable, rather than in the sphere of politics.
Serf expressions will shock a ruling order that reckoned the serfs would docilely accept any level of exploitation. Alexis De Tocqueville’s trenchant description from his timeless book, Democracy in America (1840 ), comes to mind: “The will is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided: men are rarely required by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting: such a power does not ruin … it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes and stupefies a people, till the country is reduced to be absolutely nothing much better than a flock of timid and industrious animals.”
Ultimately the “flock of shy and industrious animals” modifications their minds about how much exploitation by the couple of is acceptable. Every repressive move by centralized authorities will only harden the resolve of the serfs that the magnificent right of banks and billionaires is false and the exploitation of the numerous for the advantage of the few is no longer acceptable.
The judgment elites’ large army of well-paid toadies, sycophants, enforcers, apparatchiks, minions and lackeys are all quick to declare this is difficult. Let’s inspect back in 10 years, in 2032, and see who’s right.
< img align="center"src= "https://www.oftwominds.com/photos2018/cultural-revolution-NYT.jpg"width="550"/ > My brand-new book is now available at a 10 % discount rate this month: Global Crisis, National Renewal: A(Revolutionary)Grand Technique for the United States(Kindle$8.95, print$20)If you discovered value in this content, please join me in looking for solutions by ending up being a$1/month client of my work via patreon.com. Recent Videos/Podcasts: Charles Hugh Smith on The Terrific
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