All posts in " economy "

Is The Real Rate Of Inflation More Than Twice As High As The Number We Were Just Offered?

By / February 26, 2022

< img src ="" alt= ""width=" 560 "height= "373"/ > I warned you that inflation was going to get worse. On Thursday, we learned that the consumer price index was 7.5 percent higher in January than it was a year back. We are being told that this was the highest reading given that February 1982, […]


Doug Casey on Record Inflation, What Comes Next, and What You Need to Do Today

By / February 24, 2022

International Man: Inflation, as measured by the federal government’s own uneven CPI data, just recently struck a 40-year high. What is going on here? Doug Casey: The Consumer Cost Index (CPI) itself has been completely damaged throughout the years, mainly by altering definitions of what it involves. That’s why it’s fascinating to follow the work […]


Socialist Planning and War | David Gordon

By / February 23, 2022

Last week I wrote about Ludwig von Mises’s important letter to the New York Times in June 1942 about the Nazi economy. In the letter, Mises says that foreign trade poses a difficult problem for a socialist economy. Unlike the citizens of a country controlled by central planning, those in foreign countries don’t have to […]


UK “reforming” human rights law … mandatory vaccines on the horizon?

By / February 21, 2022

Set Knightly The UK federal government is preparing to re-work its human rights law to put an increased emphasis on “personal responsibility” and “duties to the larger society”, as well as preventing people “abusing” their rights. Sounds quite terrible, doesn’t it? However let’s return to the beginning. In December 2020 the UK federal government announced […]


Mises Remembers Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk

By / February 19, 2022

Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 19, no. 2 (Summertime 2016) “On the Occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of His Death” [Translator’s Note: A records of the German language initial under the title “Der Financial expert Eugen v. Böhm-Bawerk– Zu seinem 10. Todestage” has actually been found in one of Bettina Bien Greaves’s books at the […]


Here’s Why Our Monetary System is a Giant Ponzi Scheme

By / February 18, 2022

Ponzi plans keep going up until the criminal is stopped from the outside. They never visit of their own volition. Bernie Madoff kept going till all of it exploded. In the year 2000 the Nasdaq composite surpassed a P/E of 200 before collapsing 78% by October 2002. The more successful a Ponzi the more outright […]

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