All posts in " economy "

Merry Christmas: Messages of support and solidarity

By / January 15, 2022

Last month we published an open letter from musician Alison Blunt to her band leader, concerning the Covid “pandemic”, vaccine mandates and the all-out assault on human rights going on across most of the globe. The letter was a big hit, and Alison received amazing amounts of positive feedback and messages of solidarity, this Christmas […]


This Christmas in the New Regular

By / January 14, 2022

Today is our special Christmas edition of This Week, where we take out just the whackiest headlines we can find, take an action back, and laugh at simply what a clown world we’re all suddenly living in. 1. Quidditch Quandry For those of you who do not know, Quidditch is a sport. Not a real […]


They Are Hypocrites That Preach ‘Tolerance’ For Everyone– Except For The Groups That They Really, Really Hate

By / January 13, 2022

If you are a worldwide leader, millions upon countless individuals are deeply affected by the public statements that you make. So when you remain in such a position, it is absolutely important to be extremely mindful with your words. Unfortunately, prominent political leaders all over the world are significantly spewing hatred for specific groups even […]


This Is What Occurs When Countless Workers Disappear From The System …

By / January 12, 2022

We were cautioned that this would happen. In 2021, countless Americans either stop their jobs or were displaced of their positions due to the fact that of different mandates that were implemented all over the nation. And as I went over previously this week, countless other employees either passed away or ended up being incapacitated […]


How GDP Duplicates Produce the Illusion of Fed-Fueled Economic Development

By / January 11, 2022

A lot of specialists tend to evaluate the strength of an economy in regards to genuine gdp (GDP). The GDP structure looks at the value of last products and services produced throughout a specific time interval, generally a quarter or a year. The GDP is formed as the summation of consumer investments on products and […]


BREAKDOWN: Basic Services And Supply Chains Are Rapidly Breaking Down All Over The World

By / January 10, 2022

< img src ="" alt= ""width ="560 "height= "291"/ > I warned you that things would get back at worse in 2022, which is exactly what is happening. Throughout the latter phases of 2022, I recorded how basic services were breaking down all throughout the nation, however this was a trend that was mainly disregarded […]


Misconstruing Demonstrated Preference|David Gordon

By / January 9, 2022

In the past couple of weeks, I have actually been associated with an email exchange about the distinctions in method between the Austrian school and the Chicago school. The correspondence has exposed some unexpected misconceptions of a crucial Austrian view, showed preference, and what I intend to do in today’s post is to provide an […]


Bimetallism, Gresham’s Law, and Coinage

By / January 7, 2022

A. Bimetallism Government imposes cost controls largely in order to divert spotlight from governmental inflation to the alleged evils of the free market. As we have seen, “Gresham’s Law”– that a synthetically overvalued cash tends to drive an artificially underestimated money out of blood circulation– is an example of the basic effects of rate control. […]

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