All posts in " economy "

David Stockman on the Deeper Roots these days’s Inflationary Policies

By / October 20, 2021

The pre-1971 history shows beyond a shadow of doubt that you do not require a set rate of inflation to enable financial growth, as today’s central lenders and their Wall Street acolytes endlessly insist. And it also advises us that there is not some inherent propensity for the currency to relentlessly diminish. Today’s 2% inflation […]


Completion of the Speed Limit on the Highway to Nowhere

By / October 19, 2021

Ed Curtin There was a time when time was time and space and speed had some human significance, for individuals lived within the limits of the natural world of which they belonged. As Albert Camus said, “In our madness, we press back the everlasting limitations, and at the same time dark Furies swoop down upon […]


If It Gets Bad, I’ll Go to Idaho

By / October 18, 2021

In the 1930’s, the farm population in the United States was almost 25% of the total and it was quite typical for farmers to borrow from the bank (using their farms as security) in the expectation that the proceeds from their yearly crop would settle the note each year. But, in 1929, there was a […]


How Fiat Money Made Beef More Costly

By / October 16, 2021

In my article on the gold standard published in the Journal of Libertarian Studies back in May, I recommended that the damage of the gold standard caused altering consumption patterns, specifically to a drop in the usage of beef. The eminent economic expert George Selgin was kind enough to suggest that this was a novel […]


Before They Were A Hassle, But Now The Shortages Are Actually Beginning To Sting

By / October 15, 2021

Have you saw that store shelves are beginning to get emptier and emptier? During the panic going shopping that was sparked by the start of the COVID pandemic in 2020, there were really intense lacks of certain products, however those lacks did not last long at all. But now there are prevalent scarcities in just […]


Doug Casey on the Real Reason That the Mainstream Media is Calling Up the Fear

By / October 12, 2021

International Guy: The mainstream media can call up the worry in society much like you can with the thermostat in your house. And today, they seem to be cranking up the worry to hysterical levels. Governments are able to enact extreme policies when individuals are fearful. What is your take on the situation and the […]

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