All posts in " economy "

Berliners in 2021 Wish To Expropriate Personal Housing

By / October 10, 2021

On September 6, 2021, the city-state of Berlin, Germany’s capital, held a referendum: voters in Berlin needed to decide whether thousands of real estate systems owned by “large realty firms” must be nationalized. 56.4 percent voted yes, 39 percent no. While the referendum is not binding, it forces Berlin’s inbound local government to debate the […]


This Week in the New Regular # 7

By / October 9, 2021

Our successor to Today in the Guardian, Today in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. 1. The Worst article I’ve ever read. The demonisation project against those who decline to partake in the untried gene therapy is prevalent and apparently limitless. Short […]


We Are On The Brink Of The Greatest Lack Of Healthcare Workers In U.S. History

By / October 8, 2021

It didn’t need to be in this manner. After sacrificing a lot over the past number of years, thousands of heroes of the COVID pandemic are now being required to make a heartbreaking choice. Either they will have to break very deeply held convictions and beliefs, or they will need to give up their professions. […]


The First Libertarian?

By / October 7, 2021

Most libertarians count Murray Rothbard as one of their coaches. They will understand that Rothbard’s primary mentors were Ludwig Von Mises and Friedrich Hayek. However Rothbard dug much deeper in his search for libertarian thinking. Here is a little-seen paper that he composed in 1967: The very first libertarian intellectual was Lao-tzu, the creator of […]


Doug Casey on the Next “Crisis” the Global Elite Have Planned

By / October 6, 2021

International Male: Every year, the global ruling class– the most prominent world leaders, CEOs of big corporations, top academics, and even celebs– come together at Davos. They talk about subjects that intrigue them and recommend their favored policies. What’s your take on the Davos crowd and what they are doing? Doug Casey: The Davos crowd […]


The Pandora Papers: Usual rubbish in a new box

By / October 5, 2021

Kit Knightly < img src=""alt=""width="2000"height="900"/ > Image source: The Daily Sabah The Pandora Documents are out! Following the riveting Panama Papers in 2016, and the astonishing Paradise Papers of 2017, the most recent entry in the trilogy of monetary” leakages” is lastly here, and I could not be more thrilled. The “leaks” So let’s solve […]


Without Lockdowns, Sweden Had Less Excess Deaths Than Most of Europe

By / October 4, 2021

It’s now been more than eighteen months because governments began the new social experiment now referred to as “lockdowns.” Prior to 2020, forced “social distancing” was typically considered to betoo pricey in societal terms to validate such a risky experiment. Yet in 2020, led by health technocrats at the World Health Company, almost all national […]


BlackRock and Citi Get on Board the Environment Nazi Train

By / October 1, 2021

There are some things that bring happiness to my soul. My enjoyments are easy ones. Peanut butter on toast (the food of gods), experiencing Macron getting a slap, and this … The remarkable thing here is that what is happening is that our competitors on bidding for coal possessions has disappeared in a cloud of […]

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