The Circular Nature of Reporting on the ‘Covid’ Story Propaganda: It Perpetuates the Lies

By: Gary D. Barnett

“This was a high order, and one could slam it on the grounds that it was somewhat circular: how can you validate your approaches of thinking on the basis of those same techniques of thinking? It is like raising yourself up by your own bootstraps.”

~ Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Everlasting Golden Braid

One of the aspects of the perpetuation of tyranny during this fraud called the ‘Covid pandemic,’ is the “too smart by half” method, which leads to a circular argument against a circular story. In this instance, nothing is ever completely refuted, little is ever attained; the result being the promo of the original narrative. This is really typical concerning the existing circumstance, and the most damage is being brought on by a number of those claiming to be on the side of right and liberty.

An example of this is the argument by ‘libertarians’ and independent authors and press reporters who continue in their efforts to fight for the right to acquire universal treatment of ‘Covid-19’ by promoting what they call ‘cures’ in the forms of Ivermectin and other declared solutions. By doing this, they are accepting that there is a deadly ‘infection’ called ‘Covid,’ and that it can be ‘cured’ by using their chosen approach. However there has actually never ever been any pure seclusion, separation, or recognition of anything called ‘SARS-CoV-2’ or ‘Covid-19.’ To put it simply, it does not exist, so how can one or another treatment ‘remedy’ it?

Arguing against the atrocious standard CDC ‘Covid’ treatment protocol by promoting another protocol, merely solidifies the original propaganda that a deadly ‘infection’ called ‘Covid’ has actually caused a ‘pandemic.’ It has not; there is no ‘pandemic.’ When it comes to Ivermectin, it is useful in that it is a substance meant to attack and neutralize harmful parasites, but it does not treat disease, and certainly can not treat a phantom ‘infection.’ If one is sick and filled with discomfort, that would suggest that their body’s immune system was working to rid itself of the toxic substances by the natural recovery process. Should the body’s germs not be able to complete this job, and if the problem was because of parasite infestation, then Ivermectin would likely relieve that problem and give some relief, however would not cure anything. The only useful defense against this scams is not to discover a ‘treatment’ for something that does not even exist, however to expose the deceit of this plot, and expose the programs of those who perpetrated this rip-off.

Arguing in circles has no credibility, and can just reinforce the position being refuted. This is not to state that promoting the favorable usages of natural items or medications is not required and appropriate, however doing so by accepting the state’s lies about a contrived ‘pandemic’ is more harmful than not. Remaining healthy is something, declaring treatment is something else. There have been any number of promoted ‘remedies’ for a non-existent ‘virus’ discussed over time, but the remedy for the real problem, which is tyranny, is never completely dealt with. This is exactly what the evil controlling class desires, and much of those who declare to be on the side of flexibility, whether wittingly or not, are helping to keep the politically motivated status quo that a real ‘infection’ exists.

This brings us to the fake ‘vaccine’ for the fake ‘virus,’ as the same circumstance exists here. There is continuous arguing on both sides concerning the effectiveness of these very dangerous injections. How can there be a ‘vaccine’ for a ‘virus’ that does not exist? How can there be a ‘vaccine’ for something that is said honestly to mutate continuously? Considering that this holds true, why would many supporter for more testing, more trials, and so-called legitimate approval by the FDA, an accomplice in the state’s efforts to hurt, murder, and manage all of us, instead of merely denouncing any and all of these harmful shots as invalid? They are bioweapons after all, so rather of going in circles concerning which one is more secure, which one has less adverse effects, or which one eliminates less people, why not denounce them all?

Words mean things, phrases imply things, debate can be tricking, and language can go a long method in gaining control over people by promoting and keeping the wicked state story. Proper argument versus wrong is vitally important, however arguing at the margins, arguing in circles, arguing to gain favor or position, or in-fighting to make a point, can do a lot more damage than good, and in the process help to strengthen tyranny.

Never ever trust the narrative, and always question everything. Do not get caught up in the argument, seek and accept only reality. This will need perseverance, strength, self-responsibility, and the capability to translucent the embellishment. It is time to inform it like it is, and accept truth, despite the repercussions.

“The perfect subject of totalitarian rule is not the persuaded Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, real and incorrect, no longer exists.”

~ Hannah Arendt

Source links:

The true catalyst behind ‘Covid-19’

Ideas of “virus,” “infection,” “illness”

Example of circular ‘Covid’ argument video


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