Western ‘Civilization’ Is Destined Aggressive Collapse, and by its Own Hand

By: Gary D. Barnett

“Western civilization is a packed weapon pointed at the head of this planet.”

~ Terence McKenna

The word civilization from Latin is civis, which suggests citizen, and civitas, which suggests city-state. It is viewed as ‘enlightened culture’ rather of barbarism. A more contemporary take on the Latin root of this word would be a society which has actually developed a composing system, federal government, production of surplus food, department of labor, and ‘urbanization.’ The 2 difficulty areas here are the incorrect belief in the requirement of government and of urbanization. Both indicate collectivism rather of the private and independent guideline, in what need to effectively be a voluntary society. Regardless, a so-called ‘civil society’ today is what would be considered a fully grown, progressive, and non-barbarous state of ‘superiority.’ The ancient Greeks clarified this as far back as the 5th century BCE, and felt themselves above others who were not as worthy in their minds. As time passed, a resident was not just a local of a particular area, however in reality, ended up being the property of the State, or more precisely, a life time indentured servant.

A common fact that should be acknowledged, is that in order to be a citizen in the contemporary world, one should be considered of secondary importance to the State or country, and for that reason a pawn or servant of that State or nation. After all, initially, ‘citizenship’ is decided merely by state of birth, or by moms and dad’s state of birth. Each individual has no say in their original and typically life time citizenship, and this classification, as in herd animals, is a label chosen by the judgment political class. This is not any sign of flexibility, as need to be quite obvious, however is a pronouncement of inability to rule, which negates from birth the person in favor of the State. There is no requirement to get further into the details of this kind of human ownership in this conversation, but was adequate to state, how can one be considered to be totally free when born a servant?

The subject here is the fate of what is considered Western Civilization, and why it is destined not only failure, however total collapse as a political and ruling force. In fairness, all civilizations eventually stop working, and in my viewpoint, this is generally due to the incorrect belief that a system of top-down guideline, limiting laws, and completely concentrated co-existence, is needed for sustained survival. While the department of labor is extremely helpful in many if not most elements of modern-day life, total concentration of populations is not compulsory for civilization to survive and prosper. But it is the wanted outcome by those who rule, (think about ‘wise cities’) due to the fact that it permits easier control over the masses of common individuals, who constantly far outnumber the ruling class, and are therefore considered a constant threat to their power.

The ‘West’ has declared to be the most exceptional, a lot of kindhearted, most informed, and a lot of effective group of nation-states for centuries, but it is splitting up at the joints so quickly that its impact and grip on the remainder of the world might end in brief order. However is that the created strategy, or is it due to outrageous arrogance, criminal excess at every level of presence, destruction of the financial and financial systems, prevalent harsh aggression, or all the above?

Western civilization is certainly on the verge of termination, and the sought after replacement is that of a technocratic world governing system run by the extremely few. It seems the more guy apparently advances, the more backwards is his pretend progress. Definitely, and favorably in the U.S, intelligence levels and the capability to think critically have all however vanished; this in a time when western society is ‘declared’ to be the most ‘educated.’ In truth, the precise reverse is the case, as schooling in this nation has actually triggered mass lack of knowledge and stupidity over generations, all by design. In order to control individuals, the West chose long back to purposely dumb down the typical population, and indoctrinate them to such an extent, regarding make impotent the concept of private genuine idea, and any capability to question authority. This technique by the State succeeded in its mission, but likewise effective in creating its own death. This is quite the irony, but then that is the way of the madness of mankind.

Consider our present truth for a moment, and after that think about the result of this political experiment. This nation, although never absolutely free, was among marvel for a great part of its history. 170 years back, nearly 100% literacy prevailed, classical education was dazzling, and kids were smart, driven, responsible, and grown up by the time they were in their mid-teens or previously. Many all were entrepreneurs and comprehended ethical concepts, self-responsibility, and the importance of family. They based their lives on reasoning and reason, and due to these attitudes, were extremely valuable to the building of independent, truthful, virtuous, and vital societies. If one is to compare that to today’s population, an awakening ought to immediately occur.

Currently, this country is in the midst of a complete and total psychological breakdown of the masses, because they are not, typically speaking, responsible for themselves, and are dependent on a wicked and abhorrent federal government. The intellectual capabilities of the general population have come down into the world of reliable illiteracy of the bulk, regardless of age. Hate is the brand-new norm accepted by the proletariat, sexual perversion is in full view of all, and promoted by the State. Theft, robbery, property damage, and violence at every turn, are freely overlooked, while being approved by government and its complicit mouth pieces in the rotten media. Consistent war is endured, the murdering armed force is lauded as heroes, while truthtellers are shamed, threatened, and ostracized, and sometimes eliminated. ‘Reverse’ racism is widespread and praised, while society has actually ended up being married to victimization as a way of living. Self-confidence, self-confidence, responsible habits, empathy, and the drive to prosper have vanished from view. Overall federal government control, destruction of wealth of all however the super-rich, blanket security, lockdowns, ludicrous and unethical mandates, mass bio-weapon tyranny, tremendous property theft, and purposeful murder of innocents is routine, and primarily ignored. Entire towns and cities are being deliberately damaged, thousands burned to death with microwave or directed energy weapons, or by other godawful ways, while those affected clamor for more federal government help, rather of eliminating the criminal and homicidal State that is at the heart of all this barbarous insanity.

The governing systems of Western societies have no intent, and never ever have, to free or protect the people, as the only objective sought by these wicked ruling beasts, is power and control of all by strength, lies, propaganda, and murder. Western civilization will be intentionally relegated to the dustbin of history; the result being the swift and relentless damage of life and all social cohesion. Without mass dissent and non-compliance, fake ‘environment modification,’ currency destruction, digitization of all elements of life, concentration of populations, starvation, property theft, war, and transhumanism, will cause even more perverse behavior, idiocy, and mass indifference of the bulk.

This will signify completion of an era, and the start of a permanent hell on earth. This was caused by the masses of collective crowds disregarding their obligation to themselves, in favor of the expectation of overall reliance instead of individual excellence. No one can hide from truth permanently, as it will ultimately capture up and swallow you entire.

The State can not rule effectively unless individuals voluntarily permit it, and select to give up to obedience and a life of slavery. Only individuals who will accept and be encouraged of truth, and have the guts to act on that reality, can be of usage to liberty. All others, those who do not need to know the reality, those who continue to cling to the State’s incorrect stories, and who seek a master, ought to be definitely avoided, as they will never ever assist or enhance themselves, and for that reason will be of no worth to those who look for genuine liberty.

“Violence is not needed to ruin a civilization. Each civilization passes away from indifference toward the special values which created it.”

~ Nicolas Gomez Davila, 1913-1994, Columbian writer


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