If we no longer have the capacity to distinguish between moral authenticity and self-serving corruption, then we might also eliminate the Intermediary and vote directly for Pfizer or Merck.
There’s a fancy word for eliminating the Middleman: disintermediation. Getting rid of intermediaries who take a cut but neither produce nor add worth makes best sense, minimizing costs and increasing performance.
Possibly it’s time to get rid of the political leaders who soak up numerous millions of dollars in campaign contributions from corporations and the super-wealthy and just elect Pfizer, Merck, Amazon, General Dynamics, etc directly. Given that business lobbyists compose most of the legislation anyhow, why not cut out the intermediaries at the same time?
The super-wealthy buy political power by means of Political Action Committees (PACs and Super-PACs), think tanks and philanthro-capitalist foundations (Gates Foundation, et al.). Now that it takes 10s of millions of dollars to buy the standard “winning campaign,” the political class spends much of its time fund-raising, i.e. lavishing kisses on the derrieres of corporations and the super-wealthy, implicitly assuring to do their bidding better than the alternative prospects that the corporations and super-wealthy might purchase.
Recall Smith’s Neofeudalism Principle # 1: If the citizenry can not replace a kleptocratic authoritarian federal government and/or limit the power of the financial Upper class at the ballot box, the nation is a democracy in name just.
The reality that our elected federal government does not react to voters has been well-established: Checking Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens.
Politics has been minimized to claiming to serve the public while serving as handmaidens to a neofeudal autocracy. The general public would be well-served by stripping away the obfuscating artifice and fakery and revealing just who’s in charge.
Our “democracy” is absolutely nothing but an invitation-only auction of political power masked with fine-sounding excuses. Politics has actually always been about cash, so this is absolutely nothing new; I would love to serve the public interest but gosh-darn it, I require to raise $30 million pronto or I’ll lose my seat at the banquet; we’re the party of honorable idealism and civil service, blah … America is absolutely nothing but a large moral cesspool that the general public is informed is a pristine pond of wonderfulness. The secular religious beliefs is self-interest cloaked as caring, profiteering offered as “value,” fraud packaged as “financing” and rapacious monopolies marketed as “business.”
Lots of marvel why the nation is fracturing, however couple of bother to take a look at the collapse of ethical legitimacy as a main element. Does anybody ask why trust in organizations and federal government has collapsed? The factor is these organizations have become little more than rackets improving experts and middleman-grifters; they have lost ethical legitimacy which is the fundamental foundation of democracy and a market-based economy.
As I discuss in my brand-new book Worldwide Crisis, National Renewal: A (Revolutionary) Grand Method for the United States, civic virtue is the structure of social cohesion. As soon as moral legitimacy and civic virtue— the commitment of elites to serve the typical good– have been lost, social cohesion unravels and the country falls.
Those waiting around for campaign finance reform to actually have any positive repercussions are delusional. The system serves the Corporatocracy and the super-wealthy, period, and those in power have absolutely no reward to do more than present threadbare simulations of “reform” to create a temporary impression that we’re not residing in a neofeudal autocracy.
All we will have is a neofeudal autocracy up until we stop choosing candidates who accept contributions from corporations and the shills and front companies of the super-wealthy. Absolutely nothing will change for the better in America until just prospects who accept zero dollars from corporations and the super-wealthy win elections and every prospect who accepted corrupt cash and attempted to hide it loses by a landslide.
We do not require more toothless project reform; we need a populace who starts voting solely for prospects who only accept small contributions from the public and accept absolutely zero dollars from corporations and the super-wealthy. All the tedious political theater serves to obscure what truly matters: the distinction in between hard-earned ethical authenticity and the self-serving corruption of the neofeudal autocracy.
If we no longer have the capability to distinguish between ethical authenticity and self-serving corruption, then we might too get rid of the Middleman and vote directly for Pfizer or Merck. A minimum of the corruption, neofeudalism and autocracy would finally be transparent.
Come on, Merck: fund a new stadium for our gladiators and you’ll get my vote.
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