Looking to go camping? One of the reasons camping has become so popular is because of all of the different ways you can do it. When it comes to deciding what you want to camp in, you have two great options: a tent, for those who like to ‘rough it’, or a motorhome, for those who like to bring a little bit of home with them.
If this is your first or even your second time going camping, you may be unsure as to which option you should choose. If you need help deciding, keep reading; we’re going to outline the advantages and disadvantages of both below.
As for camping in a traditional tent, there are a number of benefits to doing so. One of those benefits is the cost. Tents come in all different sizes, shapes, and styles. They can also be purchased from a number of different retail stores- on and offline- for a wide range of prices. Depending on where you look, you can find camping tents for as low as twenty or thirty dollars! But just remember that you get what you pay for.
Another one of the many benefits to camping ‘traditionally’ is the experience. Camping tents, as you likely already know, are sort of like tarps. They give you protection from the outdoors, but still leave you feeling as if you are camping in the open night. If you are an outdoor lover or if you are truly looking to get the ‘camping feel’, you may want to think about going the tent route.
Although camping in a tent is great, there are a number of downsides to doing so. One of these is bad weather. Many camping tents are strong and waterproof, but not all of them are. If you are unsure as to what the weather will be like for your next camping adventure, you may want to think about purchasing a camping tent that you’re sure is up to all the same things you are.
As for camping in a motorhome, the biggest downside is probably the cost. Motorhomes are expensive to buy, and if you are looking to camp on a budget, you may not be able to afford to purchase your own. With that in mind though, you don’t actually have to buy one. There are a number of individuals and companies that have motor homes available for rent. Simply renting a motorhome is a nice, affordable way to camp in style.
Camping in a motorhome can be extremely enjoyable as many of them are built just like small apartments or homes. They often come equipped with working bathrooms, kitchens, and televisions! This would provide you with the camping experience without having to leave behind the luxuries of home.
Ultimately the decision is yours to make, but you’ll definitely want to keep the above mentioned advantages and disadvantages in mind when making your decision.