Actor and comedian Jon Lovitz revealed some genuine moral guts this week when he openly (and properly) compared today’s fascist cancel culture to McCarthyism.
“Comedian Jon Lovitz is blasting modern online witch hunts, comparing them to the Red Scare that caused the famed Hollywood blacklist in the late 1940s,” reports Page 6. “I’ll just say it,” he stated. “It’s no various than McCarthyism.”
Okay, let’s see if the comparison holds …
Individuals who operate in Hollywood, academic community, the news media, and anyone on social networks can have their names, credibilities, and incomes destroyed, their voices blacklisted, for revealing opinions unapproved by the establishment. And there’s no appeals court, no recourse. So you have to sit there and eat it.
Yep, pretty sure that’s McCarthyism.
Oh, and similar to the McCarthyism of the 1950s, to justify this appalling and un-American habits, those who practice and protect it like to run around uttering words like “security” and “patriotism” and “violence.”
The worst part, naturally, and this likewise occurred in the 1950s, is the number of these enthusiasts seek to ruin others as a method to show their own ethical pureness.
We live a genuinely fascist age that, like McCarthyism– and all those who seek to censor and silence– will be kept in mind by history with infamy.
Lovitz went even further with his defense of The Goldbergs actor Bryan Callen, who four females have actually accused of sexual misconduct, which he’s unequivocally denied:
He should not be canceled, [Lovitz stated] It’s dreadful. I remember checking out the short article and thought it was ludicrous. One girl stated she was 24 and he was 42. She was his sweetheart for 3 years and [now] says, ‘I’m 32 now, he must have understood much better.’ Understood what better? You’re 24 to 27, you’re not a kid. What did he do? He had a sweetheart who was younger? So? I like women that are more youthful, not illegal, a lot of people do.
When someone does something actually horrible, raping someone, of course, you must remain in jail, obviously, but stuff like a lady is on a bad date or the relationship ends and she’s mad that it ended since she got disposed, come on!
Yes, and then there’s garbage like this, where people can emerge out of your past to accuse you of the worst things you can possibly imagine and get away with obliterating you with no evidence, no law court, simply the kangaroo court of public opinion.
The unfortunate thing is– and we all understand this holds true– there are a great deal of other Jon Lovitz’s out there, plenty of famous people who, if they just stood up like Kirk Douglas did when he worked with blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, could put an end to this modern-day McCarthyism if they ‘d band together and speak out.
A small minority is pressing this. Even in Hollywood, it’s a little minority. However since these monsters hold the power to turn a switch and disappear you online, and in front of TELEVISION electronic cameras, and are willing to flop on the floor and shriek bloody murder up until they get their way, the quislings remain quiet.
History will not look kindly on them, either.
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