A cartoon titled “Where’s Trudo?” is completely buffooning Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for concealingwhile “Liberty Convoy” truckers protested coronavirus lockdowns and masking mandates in Ottawa.
The parody of Trudeau’s authoritarian Canada was developed in the “Where’s Waldo” style by artist Bob Moran and features in comic kind many of the insanely, left-wing people and occasions that are occurring in Canada even as the Freedom Convoy is frantically attempting to put a stop to a few of it.
— Bob Moran (@bobscartoons) February 9, 2022
The specific vignettes are skillfully demonstrating how Canada has spun off the rails into far-left lunacy and authoritarianism.
One section, for instance, demonstrates how Canadian Christian pastors and ministers have actually been harassed and arrested by Trudeau’s police forces for daring to hold church services throughout the coronavirus pandemic:
Mentioning Trudeau’s efforts to turn police into COVID stormtroopers, there is another area spoofing the time police took on and jailed a Montreal female for not wearing a mask:
Another reveals a rotund fellow in a mask wearing a t-shirt reading,”I Love Pharma”: Then there is the bit including a transgender person completely beard wearing a
red mini gown: Another portrays a woman throwing a small baby into a trash bin, demonstrating how little many people consider human life. There was a popular case in Calgary not long ago where a mom was charged for tossing her baby in a dumpster. There was also a more recent case in New Mexico, in the U.S., too. Again, portraying police turning their backs on Canadian worths, there is a vignette of a Canadian Mounted Police officer allowing his install
to defecate on the country’s flag: Another reveals a black-clad policeman with a weapon going after an unmasked person: Artist Moran took a swipe
at World Economic Online forum creator Klaus Schwab, too: < img src="https://media.breitbart.com/media/2022/02/trudo_pic_08.jpg"alt=""width="493"height="382"/ > The media takes a whipping, also, as the artist portrayed a news team all thrilled to interview
a feline while disregarding the Flexibility Convoy and the anti-mask protests:
Waldo makes a look behind a mask, too:
Lastly, the PM himself
can be seen concealing in the lower left-hand corner (obviously)wearing a black-face outfit: Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at: facebook.com/Warner.Todd.Huston