Friday on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson described how in spite of Huge Tech efforts to censor claims related to the COVID-19 pandemic, some of those claims have turned out to be true.Carlson singled out Google and Facebook and how those business dealt with reports about the origins of COVID-19 and China.CARLSON: Dr. Hooman
Noorchashm is one of the nation’s leading immunologists. He’s likewise a surgeon. Noorchashm has actually held appointments at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and then at the VA in Philadelphia. He has written dozens of peer reviewed
articles and publications like”The New England Journal of Medicine “and “The Journal of Immunology. “He has every possible credential in his field. So, simply put, by any step, including the procedures now being used to justify censorship in Silicon Valley, Dr. Hooman Noorchashm is undoubtedly a specialist. Last night, we welcomed him on this program to discuss reports, specifically from Israel, however likewise from other nations that might have extensive implications for young people in the United States. Researchers all over the world have kept in mind that coronavirus vaccines appear to trigger a stunningly large number of young people to establish a possibly fatal heart condition called myocarditis. Here is what we said about it last night–(BEGIN VIDEO) CARLSON: Israeli health officials launched a report revealing that immunized youths
, particularly young
men, were establishing a possibly fatal problem, a heart inflammation called myocarditis, and they were establishing it at exceptionally high rates. Scientist figured out that the incidence of myocarditis in immunized young men was fully 25 times
the typical rate, some of them passed away.(END VIDEO CLIP )CARLSON: Twenty five times the rate of possibly fatal heart inflammation. That is a substantial dive.
If those numbers hold, if
they are right, we have no reason to believe they’re not right that would imply that healthy young people are much more
most likely to be injured or eliminated by the vaccine versus COVID than by COVID itself. That is a huge stop-the-presses development and it raises all kinds of very obvious concerns beginning with why are colleges across the country needing students to take the vaccine? That seemed like a potential health emergency situation to us, a disaster produced by bad policy and reckless management. That was our read of the numbers. But we wanted a greater authority since we wished to be as responsible as we could. So, we asked Dr. Noorchashm for his
view of this. He concurred that making vaccines mandatory for college students is a grave error, not least because a lot of young people currently have had and recovered from the coronavirus and they have antibodies against it. See. (BEGIN VIDEO)DR. HOOMAN NOORCHASHM, PHYSICIAN: I believe, as we have actually talked about before extensively, that vaccinating people who are COVID recovered in this emergency
scenario where we have actually basically really rapidly approved this brand-new vaccine is a gigantic mistake in public health judgment.( END VIDEO)CARLSON:”A colossal mistake in public health judgment,”from somebody who operates in public health. That was Dr. Noochashm’s view and he did not say that gently. In reality, his own child is presently
being forced by the
University of Chicago to take the vaccine. He has currently been contaminated and recovered, too, and Dr. Noorchashm is battling that mandate. So, he has believed a lot about it. He believes it matters. You most likely do, too. After our discussion last night, Dr. Noorchashm published that exchange onto YouTube because other moms and dads have an outright right to understand these realities, lives might depend on it. But the tech monopolies will no
longer allow that discussion
. For factors that we can’t understand for specific, but that are clearly sinister and definitely incompatible with a functioning democracy. Huge Tech will no longer enable any questions about vaccines even from Harvard-trained immunologists who are estimating federal government data. The Big Tech companies censor everything, but happy talk and propaganda about vaccines. Period. Quickly Dr. Noorchashm got this message from Silicon Valley, quote: “Our team has actually examined your material and unfortunately, we believe it violates our medical misinformation policy. We have actually eliminated the following
material from YouTube.” So Dr. Hooman Noorchashm was silenced by Google, but the world is a huge location thankfully,
and Noorchashm was not the only person who has seen what is occurring, what the data can be found in from frontline scientists are saying about this vaccine and its impacts. In Canada, a physician called Jean Marc Benoit has actually released a petition alongside a Member of
Parliament, Derek Sloan to suspend COVID-19 vaccinations for young people. That petition now has more than 25,000 signatures. They have gotten lots of reports from doctors and nurses operating in health centers with COVID clients, part of the immunization project in Canada, saying that youths are becoming seriously ill after taking this vaccine, quote,” The COVID-19 vaccination is effectively human experimentation,” the petition reads. Meanwhile, Germany, a nation that does take science seriously, is now recommending that healthy youths do not take the vaccine, that they prevent it. Period. Since it’s too dangerous. In this country, physicians have actually seen also, the F.D.A. and the CDC have observed. The CDC is holding an emergency situation meeting to go over these numbers, which 2 of our own governments vaccine reporting systems verify are genuine. YouTube knows all of
this, how could they not be? And in case they weren’t, we laid it out in some detail in the clip they simply prohibited.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) CARLSON: In Between July 1, 1997 and the end of 2013, that’s five and a half years, there were 2,149 deaths reported in the U.S. for all vaccines combined on the VAERS system. Yet, in simply 6 months– the last six months– there have been more than 5,160 deaths connected with the COVID vaccines as reported to VAERS. That’s more than double the number of deaths in less than one-tenth the time. What does that mean? How do you describe that? Oh, however those numbers are incorrect,
said the normal phonies
with optimum hysteria. Okay, let’s say they are wrong. What are the real numbers? The number of people have been killed or hurt by the COVID vaccines? Does anyone know the response?(END VIDEO CLIP)CARLSON: Yes, well, that’s all reported on federal government sites. Go to the HHS site. However if you check out those numbers out loud, you will be punished.
If you check out federal government data in public, you will be censored. And such as this show. Possibly that is among the reasons, by the method, nobody does read federal government information on the air since they know they’ll be censored, but some persist anyhow. The other day, a physician called
Tracy Hoeg, who has a PhD in epidemiology– qualified to discuss this– gone to Twitter to go over
the data on heart swelling amongst youths. Quote, “Post vaxx myocarditis was plainly above baseline at the end of May.
We are standing on unsteady ground if we state the danger to otherwise healthy kids from COVID-19 is higher than it is from the vaccine. “Get it? That is rooted in scientific information. It’s an obvious observation and it has extensive public health implications for 10s of countless individuals in this country. And yet within seconds, Twitter flagged
her tweet as quote,”deceptive. “Tracy Hoeg, who is a researcher seemed shocked by this.”I’m estimating the CDC’s own slide, “she composed, and of course, quoting the CDC utilized to be enabled. As of just months ago, as long as you priced estimate credentialed professionals or federal government data, you’re allowed to talk about science as a layperson and even as a physician or researcher. Those are the rules that YouTube composed. Now, even pricing quote the Biden administration’s
own vaccine damage numbers will get you censored right away. Ron Johnson is a sitting United States Senator was just suspended from YouTube because he recommended that hydroxychloroquine might be a treatment for the coronavirus, which it turns out, it
is. Senator Johnson also said you might not require the vaccine if you’ve had and recovered from COVID. Those are not insane positions. They are rooted in science. Numerous scientists now concur with Ron Johnson consisting of by the method,” Nature” Publication. Are they banned? We don’t know. Due to the fact that now in the United States, you are no longer allowed to be anything less than a total across the board enthusiastic booster of vaccines for everybody. And in fact, Tracy Hoeg and Ron Johnson might have left easy with censorship.
It might have been worse, they might have wound up in jail. You believe we’re joking. Several weeks back, Michigan’s Attorney General, a lunatic, called Dana Nessel, discovered that dining establishment owner Marlena Hackney was preparing to come on this program to speak about the state’s lockdown orders and their effect on her business. Nessel who is the primary law enforcement officer of the State
of Michigan, one who silenced Hackney and prevented her from doing that. She composed this e-mail to her staff, which we are estimating and not comprising, quote, “Do we understand her whereabouts? We should just have her gotten before she goes on. This is outrageous.” Apprehended so she can’t go on TELEVISION to complain about Dana Nessel’s lockdown orders. And in fact, a week later, Michigan State Cops to their fantastic pity, apprehended Marlena Hackney and tossed her in jail. She was sent to prison for bold to come on this show.
That occurred in the State of Michigan. Are you amazed? You shouldn’t be shocked due to the fact that it was always the next action. This was never going to end with censorship on social media. Construct your own Twitter. It was never going to end there. If they can manage what you compose, why can’t they manage what you say, and believe, and do? Why can’t they throw you behind bars if you disagree with them or slam their policies?
Well, they can it turns out as Dana Nessel proved, and they will. We have actually been moving toward this for a very long time and insufficient people have stated anything in reaction to it. They cringe and hope they will not be punished. But, they are going to be penalized if this continues. Keep in mind back in September, a Chinese virologist with direct knowledge, a female called Dr. Li-Meng Yan appeared on this program to state something we now understand most likely happened. She stated the COVID-19 virus came from a laboratory in Wuhan.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP )DR. LI-MENG YAN, VIROLOGIST: From my first report, I can provide the solid clinical evidence to our audience that this virus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 infection really is not from nature.
I worked with the leading corona virologist worldwide, so together with my experience, I can inform you this as produced in the laboratory. This is from that design template owned by China military, and likewise it is infected the world to make such damage.
CARLSON: To make such damage. Do you believe the Chinese federal government launched this intentionally? On purpose? Did they do this? YAN: Yes, of course, it is deliberately. (END VIDEO) CARLSON: That ended up being right
, we believe, and a great deal of other individuals believe, however Facebook pulled that video down. They pulled it down, they censored it. And by the way, if you’re wondering why we’re constantly touting FOX Country, the digital service, the main factor is Google and
Facebook do not control it
. It’s a subscription service that goes straight from our servers to you through no intermediaries. They can’t censor it. That’s plainly the future. However Facebook did censor that. The 23-year old Oberlin graduates on Facebook decided they understood more about the origins of COVID-19 than a Chinese virologist who was in Wuhan at the time. And to justify their censorship, they stated that a fact checking article that count on what we discovered later on, a letter to the editor in The Lancet, not a short article, a letter to the editor. Which letter we now know, was composed by the very same people who are working to modify
bat coronaviruses in Wuhan using your tax
dollars. And by the
way, that’s not the only banned theory that’s turned out to be more reputable than the main story. There are a lot of them. Here’s another. Back in April, one California doctor was taken off YouTube, censored, for saying he was personally pressured to over report COVID deaths.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)DR. DAN ERICKSON, PHYSICIAN IN BAKERSFIELD: We aren’t pressured to evaluate for influenza. But ER medical professionals now, my buddies that I speak to you state, you know, it’s fascinating when I’m– when I’m writing up my death report, I’m
being pressured to include COVID. Why is that? Why are we being pressured to include COVID? To possibly increase the numbers and make it look a little bit even worse than it is? I believe so.(END VIDEO CLIP)CARLSON: That was Dr. Dan Erickson in Bakersfield, by the way he wasn’t, as you noticed, saying that this was happening. He said this happened to him. He had firsthand direct experience of this taking place and he was censored for saying it. And by the way, he was right. It didn’t just occur to him. Today, one of California’s biggest counties, Alameda
County admitted that it over reported COVID deaths by at least 25 percent. It turns out the county was including deaths from anything as long as the deceased had actually COVID at the time of death, by the method, George Floyd had COVID at the time of death. Was he a COVID death? In Alameda County, you might fall off a ladder, get struck by a bus. But up until this week, you were a COVID death if you had antibodies in your system. That holds true. But the tech monopolies enabled no one to state that. Not because stating that was false. Oh, no, no, they would not let you say it due to the fact that it was precise. The length of time can this continue?