All posts in "Food"

Easy Freeze Dried Food Prep

By / August 7, 2015

I spent about an hour this morning getting a few potatoes ready for my dehydrator. I dry potatoes in “meal sized” portions for use later. Sometimes it’s because we want to enhance some regular potato dish, and sometimes we add a half portion to one of those store bought “Scalloped” or “Au Gratin” mixes. I […]


A Garden Grown Superfood

By / July 30, 2015

Dill is an ancient herb that contains medicinal compounds including flavoniods and monoterpenes. These compounds make dill a great antioxidant and chemprotective herb that is highly beneficial for viral, bacterial, yeast, and fungal infections, parasites, pain relief, sleep disorders, cancer prevention, and respiratory disorders. Dill is also regularly used as a digestive aid and can […]


How to Dry Cure Pork for Bacon

By / July 18, 2015

From a bacon-lovers perspective, preserving this fat-laden meat is a Doing the Stuff skill “worth it’s weight in salt.” However, if you believe the Big Fat Lie, go ahead and brace yourself for some disturbing news… Your grandparents had it right… bacon fat won’t kill you. You need healthy fat in your diet. Whether for […]


Greeks Survive Crisis By Growing Own Food

By / July 7, 2015

Ilias Mathes has protection against bank closures, capital controls and the slashing of his pension: 10 goats, some hens and a vegetable patch. If Greece’s financial crisis deepens, as many believe it must, he can feed his children and grandchildren with the bounty of the land in this proud village high in the mountains of […]


How to Can Meat Safely

By / June 20, 2015

Meat is one of those things that people tend to be the most scared to try canning. Food poisoning can be a very serious matter. I don’t blame anyone who approaches preserving meats with trepidation. I was the same way when I first started canning! My biggest fear was that I would do something wrong […]


Working With Freeze-Dried Vegetables

By / June 11, 2015

At Food Storage Made Easy, we are strong advocates of using your food storage on a regular basis so that you can rotate through it, as well as learn how to use it in your regular cooking. So to help you out with that, we wanted to share with you a list of ways we […]


How to Dehydrate Garlic

By / June 8, 2015

One of the most important herbs a person can use is garlic. Aside from giving our dishes a fantastic flavor, it has many health benefits as well. Garlic contains a compound called Allicin. According to one scientific review, Garlic’s main mechanism involves a molecule called alliin. When garlic is physically disturbed through chewing, slicing, or […]


How to Store Honey Long Term

By / June 3, 2015

Raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized honey has been a pantry staple for centuries. In the far stretches of human history, honey was stored for food, making wine and used for medicinal purposes. They stored raw, unfiltered honey in porous, sealed jars and stacked them in cold caves. In fact, recently, scientists examined five-millennia-plus-old jars of honey unearthed […]


Spaghetti Squash is Delicious

By / May 29, 2015

Spaghetti squash is a very versatile vegetable. The way I cook it is to cut the squash in half with a sharp knife. It really doesn’t matter if it is the long way or the short way. I usually cut it the short way so it fits on the same pan as my chicken and […]

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