All posts in "Health"

Basic Hygiene in a Grid-Down Scenario

By / June 23, 2016

In the aftermath of a disaster, staying clean might be one of the last thoughts on your mind. After all, who thinks of wet wipes when they are busy staying alive? Once the immediate danger has passed, however, sanitation is absolutely important and should be one of your priorities. Hygiene Is Important Keeping proper hygiene […]


Grandma-Approved Home Remedies That Actually Work

By / May 10, 2016

Any serious homesteader can tell you that nine out of ten of those crazy DIY home remedies are just that: crazy. Myth, folklore, and cultural legends of ‘healers’ have brought about many of these rumors over the years. However, studies have proven that natural remedies do in fact exist, even if they’re only the one […]


Just Living Around Nature Helps You Live Longer

By / April 20, 2016

Living closer to nature is better for your health, new research suggests — and may even extend your life. A study just published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that people who live in “greener” areas, with more vegetation around, have a lower risk of mortality. The health benefits are likely thanks to factors […]


Medicinal Herbs (for Lady Preppers Only)

By / April 18, 2016

Viburnums grow in the woodlands and are distinguishable both by their long history of medical uses and by their large, shrubby appearance. Below we’ll be discussing two of the most common types and their medical benefits (specifically for the ladies). Viburnum Opulus Also known as ‘Cramp Bark’, this variation of the plant reduces inflammation and […]


All-Natural, Easy and Quick Homemade Remedies for Painful Chapped Lips

By / April 1, 2016

We’re all familiar with the itching and burning sensation that comes along with dry skin and chapped lips, especially during the winter months (although kids seem to get them year-round, don’t they?!). Lips don’t have the glands necessary to produce their own moisture, and because of how thin the skin of your lips are, they’re […]


Let’s Talk About Poop

By / March 1, 2016

In a disaster situation, knowing how to dispose of waste is essential. Depending on how severe the circumstances are, you may not have access to running water, which means toilets are no longer an option. Now for those of you near a water source, this may not necessarily be true. It would be possible to […]


DIY Kitchen Cures for the Common Cold

By / February 9, 2016

Except for the few blessed among us, most all of us will find ourselves susceptible to some form of cold-like illness this winter. Ranging from a case of the sniffles to being bedridden and incapacitated for days, cold-weather viruses can be a slight annoyance or put your entire life on hold. That’s where we come […]


Shingles Vaccine Contains Aborted Baby Parts, MSG and Pig Gelatin

By / February 3, 2016

The shingles vaccine, branded Zostavax (or Zoster), is supposed to reduce the “risk of developing shingles” and the pain incurred by some elderly people. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends this injection of carcinogenic chemicals for people 60 years of age and older and also advises that even if someone has already had […]


The Survivalists’ Dental Kit

By / January 19, 2016

Over the years, we have written hundreds of articles on medical preparedness for short or long-term disasters. Many now include medical kits and supplies to add to survival food storage and items for personal protection. Yet, few who are otherwise medically prepared seem to devote much time to dental health. Poor dental health can cause […]


All Natural Alternative to the Flu Shot

By / December 3, 2015

OLIVE LEAF is one of my favorite herbs for this time of year. I use olive leaf for immune enhancement so that I do not get the flu. However, olive leaf is more than just a great anti-viral. OLIVES in some form have been used throughout history. Olives and olive oil are referenced throughout the […]

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