Dealing With Sleep Deprivation

You’ve Thought Of Everything Except A SHTF Sleep Plan

Civilization has collapsed. Your stores are in place. You have enough food, water, weapons and ammo to get you through until the ship is righted.

You even have a plan to carry on if the ship sinks.

But while you stand guard over your lifeblood, you fall asleep at the wheel. The game is over.

Your family’s well-being is in the hands of the bandits you’ve prepared to fight. Your well-being is a thing of the past.

FAIL because you didn’t have a plan for SHTF sleep deprivation.

Part of your preparation has to include a SHTF sleep plan. Sleep will come for you. Let it happen when it will do no harm. Let it come while somebody else has the watch.

Sleep Deprivation Can Kill; Well, Sort Of (continue reading)

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