This article will be extremely helpful for preppers who have children. Even if you don’t have any, it really doesn’t hurt to have a child-oriented first aid kit ready. You’d be shocked to discover how ill-prepared most people are.
During an emergency, you may have neighbors or relatives with kids. They may be desperate for certain items that their children may need. If you have a children’s first aid kit, you could be a lifesaver.
It’s important to note that children and adults have different needs. While some needs may overlap, it’s best to have a separate first aid kit for the young ones. This will help keep things more organized and you’ll have easier access to whatever you may immediately need if there’s an emergency.
Below you will find a list of items that you can add to your children’s first aid kit. The rules are not set in stone. It’s up to you to decide what needs are specific needs your group has.
Band Aids and Bandages
Children tend to get hurt easily, so make sure to have enough band aids and bandages in your first aid kit to treat any possible wounds.
These will help to reduce your child’s fever. Get the correct medication for your child and store them.
Children’s Thermometer
Get a digital thermometer or two and keep them in your first aid kit. If you think your child has a fever, you’ll easily be able to confirm your doubts.
Lip Balm
It’s common for sick children (or adults, for that matter)to have extremely dry lips. The lip balm will help soothe their lips. At the same time, ensure that your child drinks enough water so that they aren’t dehydrated.
Hand Sanitizer and Latex Gloves
This is for your use. When treating wounds or infections, it’s best to sanitize your hands and wear gloves before treating the child. This will minimize any risk of infection.
Keep a few N-95 masks in the first aid kit. If your child has sinuses or breathing problems, they’ll be irritated by dirty/dusty environments and the masks will help.
Calamine Lotion, Antiseptic Cream, etc.
Having these items will make it easy to treat scrapes and cuts. The antibiotic nature of the cream will accelerate healing and prevent infection.
Tweezers and Nail Clippers
Tweezers will be useful for removing foreign matter in wounds and of course, smaller nail clippers will be easier for clipping children’s nails.
Baby-Specific Needs
- Baby wipes
- Baby lotion
- Diaper pins
- Bulb syringe (to clear mucus)
- Diaper rash cream
- Baby powder
There may be additional items you want to add of think may be necessary in an emergency. When it’s all said and don, you’re the best person to decide on what goes into the first aid box. So prepare it well and place it in a safe place that you can access easily.