All posts in " off grid living "

Vaseline: The Surprising Super Supply

By / October 23, 2020

In the latest video, James goes over all the different ways Vaseline will be one of the most valuable (and cost-effective) additions to your survival kit.


Great Depression Survival Techniques

By / May 18, 2020

Here at Purpose Driven Survival we understand the value of taking tips from history, so in this week’s video we’re going to walk you through some of the most valuable survival strategies our ancestors employed to make it through the most desperate situations.


Homemade Ethanol

By / February 14, 2020

Making ethanol gas at home is very possible and very easy. Ethanol is used to fuel vehicles, power tools, and pretty much anything with a gas powered motor. Making your own ethanol can save you a lot of money on your regular fuel bill, and it’s very easy to do, so why not?  The first, […]


Where All The Fish Are Hiding (And Where They Definitely Aren’t)

By / September 18, 2019

There are three requirements a body of water has to meet in order for it to be inhabitable for fish: food, oxygen, and cover. Luckily, most every river, lake, or pond meets those criteria, so wherever you are, you can be pretty certain they’re there. Now you just have to find them! Different kinds of […]


Woodworking Business – Your Initial Investment

By / September 16, 2019

In any form of business, understanding the costs of setting up the business and the costs of running it is of great importance. You have to fully understand the costs your startup costs- tools, space, time, etc.- this is your initial investment. Your total startup costs will entirely depend on the type of project you’re […]


The 12 Hygiene Items Every Prepper Has Stockpiled

By / September 2, 2019

During a crisis, several problems could arise as far as personal hygiene goes. Should there be a natural disaster such as a flood or earthquake, there is a very real possibility that the roads may be impassable. Getting to a store will be difficult, and on the chance you do get there, you’ll likely find […]


Cold Weather Blues: Pneumonia

By / August 31, 2019

Everyone loves the end of the year for the cool evenings, holidays, and special time with family. Unfortunately, these months brings with them two seasonal torments: pneumonia and the flu. Today we’ll be tackling the former; where it comes from, what to expect, and how to knock it out as fast as possible. Pneumonia is […]


Emergency Prep: Hurricanes

By / August 30, 2019

The coastline of the United states is regularly battered by hurricanes- an average of about five every three years.   Hurricanes bring lots of heavy winds, some as strong as a hundred miles an hour.  Along with hurricanes also come water surges that reach to twenty feet in height. These intense winds can create cyclones, […]


Cold-Crushing Superfoods

By / August 28, 2019

Not only do healthy, nutrient-dense foods nourish your body and help the cells grow and reproduce, they also help arm your body’s defenses to ward off attacks from germs that cause colds. Low-fat meats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and whole grains all play a part in preparing your body to do battle. Another important component […]

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