We’re getting a real-world economics lesson in rip-your-face-off boosts in rates, and the tuition will go up– method up.
Inflation will be temporal, blah-blah-blah– I beg to differ, for these reasons. There are various structural sources of inflation, which I define as costs rise while the quality and amount of products and services stay the same or diminish. Because the word inflation is so loaded, let’s utilize the more neutral (and more accurate) term decline in purchasing power: an hour of your labor purchases fewer goods and services of lesser quality than it did a decade ago or a generation back.
While the conventional discussion focuses on financial inflation, i.e. expansion of money supply, the real rip-your-face-off sources have nothing to do with cash supply. The rip-your-face-off sources are shortages that can not be filled by replacement or globalization.
Consider competent hands-on labor as an example. Let’s state some important parts in important facilities require welding. There is no alternative to competent welders. But wait, does not economic dogma hold that whenever costs increase, a less expensive substitute will magically manifest out of a swirl of dust? That dogma is false in cases such as knowledgeable labor.
The only alternative to a competent welder is another proficient welder, and while theory holds that there will be cheaper welders who can be brought in from somewhere else, this is also not real: due to shortages in education and a cultural bias against manual work, there is a scarcity of knowledgeable welders virtually all over.
However wait, can’t we just offshore the project? Globalization always lowers costs, right? So by all means, load your busted boat trailer on a container ship to China, discover a welder in Shanghai to do the work, and after that ship the boat trailer back. Weeks later, you find the strategy and the specs weren’t followed, so all the time and money was lost. It would have been a lot more affordable and faster if you ‘d just paid the welder in town a couple of extra bucks and had it done right in a couple of hours.
However wait– we’ll simply automate welding and have a robotic do it all for next to absolutely nothing. OK, fine, friend– you make the robotic and program it to rotate out to the damaged boat trailer, take a look at the breaks and do the welding so it actually works again. Go on and do that (at colossal expense), and then let’s see the robot do it right in lots of different jobs in all sorts of scenarios, and after that add up the expense of all that compared to the reasonably low cost of a skilled welder.
On the other hand, back in the real life, individuals with high levels of craft skills and experience are scarce, and the dream of robots replacing them are untethered from reality.
As I’ve noted prior to, central banks can conjure trillions of dollars out of thin air however they can’t invoke knowledgeable, motivated workers willing to work for poor pay. As I kept in mind last week, the minimum wage would need to double to even get near to the purchasing power of the base pay I earned 2 generations back. If an economy can’t pay its employees enough to live, it does not be worthy of to exist and should be shoveled into the dustbin of history.
Will Proficient Hands-On Labor Lastly Become More Valuable? (8/20/20)
Fans of automation are hardly ever if ever individuals entrusted with developing, making and programming robots. Fans of automation do not recognize any limitations on the cost and efficacy of automation due to the fact that their faith in technology is quasi-religious, but in the real world, there are many tasks that do not provide themselves to automation.
If automation was as inexpensive and easy as many appear to believe, then why does Amazon need 1.3 million human workers? In regards to automation, what could be simpler than large warehouses, automobiles and delivery? Amazon certainly has the money and skill to automate whatever that can be automated, so why is Amazon hiring hundreds of countless humans and enhancing wages for 500,000 humans? Amazon to raise pay for 500,000 employees (April 2021, NYT.com)
Although it’s heresy to real followers in automation, human beings are less expensive and produce more worth than robots in numerous settings. Basically, there are limitations on the cost effectiveness and worth production of robotics and automation.
A strong case can be made that automation has considerably reduced the quality of services and created the impression of efficiency. For example, you browse the web, check the inventory in your regional outlet, drive down there and find a bare rack even though the online app suggests dozens in stock. Where is the value in this travesty of a mockery of a sham?
Those at the top of the wealth-power pyramid avoid the systems they make money from like the pester. Abysmal client service, bad quality products, apps that do not work– that’s all the debt-serfs will ever experience. Those who own the systems understand how dreadful it all is and they never touch any of the products and services they put into the slop containers of the citizens.
Couple of seem to have actually seen that we’re currently on the drawback of Peak Globalization: labor expenses are rising in China, too, for the very same reason labor expenses are increasing here and in other places: the variety of individuals willing to do unclean, uninteresting, hard work for low pay and no benefits is reducing. Some of this shortage is due to demographics, as the labor force diminishes, a few of it is increasing opportunities for flexible gig work that pays too or much better, and some is a rejection of the status quo. Post-Pandemic Transformation: Never Ever Returning (6/7/21).
Young Chinese take a stand against pressures of contemporary life– by resting (Washington Post)
Apologists for the wunnerfulness of globalization likewise stop working to consider the nationalization of important resources or resources being cut off for geopolitical reasons. Great copper mine you arrived, now it’s ours, and we’re raising costs. Go discover a replacement for copper, cobalt, uncommon earths– gosh, there are no substitutes? Wait a minute, economic experts guaranteed us deficiency was impossible because there’s always a replacement.
In the real life, basics for which there are no substitutes are scarce, and the world is awakening to the power of those who manage these essentials. Globalization was constantly based upon the notion that there was always another location to stripmine, today the whole world has actually been stripmined, put under the rake or clearcut.
The primary source of cost-cutting and profit-boosting– decreasing quality and minimizing amounts– have reached limitations: if the bundle gets any smaller, we’ll require a microscope to see it. Cutting corners has been going on so long that there are no corners delegated be cut. Shrinkflation has actually lowered cereal boxes such that the boxes are not large adequate to stand on the rack.
Manufacturers need to raise rates to preserve revenues, period. And anybody who lets earnings margins slip is cashiered, to be replaced by someone much more pathological and ruthless.
So let’s review the sources of inflation:
— Scarcities of labor across the board. (see task openings chart listed below).
— Deglobalization/ Peak Globalization.
— Expense and value-creation limits on automation.
— All the corners have been cut, now costs need to rise or business will bankrupt themselves.
— The ‘Take This Job and Shove It’ Economic crisis (5/12/21)– Never Ever Returning— individuals are deserting the status quo hamster wheel.
Few are willing to acknowledge these sources since they run counter the dream world story that’s spinning the frenzied hamster wheel. Purchasing power is prosperity, and because buying power is in free-fall, so is success– at least for the bottom 90%. Trillions in complimentary money have masked the decline briefly, but what’s transitory isn’t inflation– it’s the illusion of success that’s transitory. Which’s why nobody in a position of power wants to go over rates being driven by scarcities brought on by real physical limits.
Those who think costs can’t double or triple have not skilled scarcities caused by actual physical limitations. There are no substitutes for basics or proficient labor, globalization has actually already stripmined the world and central banks can’t print experienced employees going to work for rapidly decreasing the value of wages in dead-end jobs while billionaires pay pennies in taxes.
We’re getting a real-world economics lesson in rip-your-face-off increases in costs, and the tuition is about to go up– method up.
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Current Podcasts:
Charles Hugh Smith on the Age of Accelerating Expropriations (38 minutes) (FRA Roundtable Insight)
Covid Has Actually Activated The Next Great Financial Crisis (34:46)
My current books:
A Hacker’s Teleology: Sharing the Wealth of Our Shrinking Planet (Kindle $8.95, print $20, audiobook $17.46) Read the first area for free (PDF).
Will You Be Richer or Poorer?: Profit, Power, and AI in a Shocked World
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Pathfinding our Fate: Preventing the Final Fall of Our Democratic Republic ($5 (Kindle), $10 (print), ( audiobook): Read the first section for free (PDF).
The Experiences of the Consulting Philosopher: The Disappearance of Drake $1.29 (Kindle), $8.95 (print); checked out the very first chapters for free (PDF)
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