Posobiec kept in mind that Gaige Grosskreutz, a guy shot by Rittenhouse and marketed by left-wing news media as the” sole survivor “of Rittenhouse’s shootings, is connected with Antifa.
“Gaige Grosskerutz [was] a member of one of these sort of local Antifa chapters, they call it individuals’s Transformation Motion,” he said.
Posobiec highlighted the partisan Democrat positioning of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and the substantial suppression of these 2 projects and groups following the 2020 presidential election.
“These massive programs, like the big, ubiquitous Black Lives Matter protests, along with the Antifa, and even the more violent elements of BLM, were triggered in a manner in 2020 that we just haven’t seen after November 3rd of 2020.” he observed. “It appears to have completely disappeared, or if it’s around, it’s only sort of those solidified cadres of maybe two or three or a lots here or there depending on the city, they’re just not getting the numbers.”
Posobiec remembered a TIME short article entitled The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Conserved the 2020 Election, which acknowledged a “conspiracy” in between CEOs and leftist organizers of violent riots after the presidential election. TIME‘s Molly Ball wrote, “There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both cut the demonstrations and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and company titans.”
Posobiec specified,”If you look at that TIME publication short article that came out after the election, you had people in there confessing that they were in interaction with the people who led some of the more violent riots that happened, and they were calling them and saying, ‘Stand down. We do not want you to come out. We do not want the type of scenes that we saw throughout 2020,’ and it puts people in almost a Stockholm syndrome. It resembles a Mexican standoff for our own country where we’re having a situation of, ‘You’re going to vote the way we want, or you’re going to get the stick.”
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