Video: Eminent Domain vs. Personal Property

Gary North – April 24, 2021 Printer-Friendly Format

It is legal in some

states for a city government to eliminate your home in order to offer your home to developers.Prior to the Kelo case, it was legal in more states than it is today.Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005 ), was a case chosen by the Supreme Court of the United States including using distinguished domain to transfer land from one personal owner to another private owner to further economic development. In a 5– 4 decision, the Court held that the general advantages a neighborhood delighted in from financial development qualified private redevelopment plans as an acceptable “public use” under the Takings Stipulation of the 5th Amendment.The case occurred in the context of condemnation by the city of New London, Connecticut, of independently owned real estate, so that it might be utilized as part of a “detailed redevelopment plan.” After the Court’s decision, the city permitted a private designer to continue with its plans; however, the developer was unable to get financing and abandoned the job, and the objected to land stayed an undeveloped empty lot in 2019.

In the after-effects of the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision to uphold this atrocity, state legislatures started to pass laws forbiding this practice.Prior to the Kelo

choice, only seven states specifically restricted using eminent domain for economic advancement except to remove blight. Since the choice, forty-five states have changed their distinguished domain laws, although some of these modifications are cosmetic This video offers an excellent summary of the

case. What will astound you is who appeared in Washington to oppose the Court’s decision in the name of safeguarding personal property. It begins at 7:15. The most egregious example of the power of distinguished domain in my

youth was the theft of land owned by Hispanics in Los Angeles, starting in 1951. It was done to build tax-funded housing. The acquisition procedure was held up by suits. However then Walter O’Malley, who owned the Brooklyn Dodgers, offered the city a deal in 1958.”Let the Dodgers purchase the land from the city. “And so it was. Take me out to the ball game Take me out to the crowd Purchase me some peanuts and stolen land Then we can cheer the state’s visible hand!We can root, root, root for the home team
If they do not win it’s a shame For it’s one, two, 3 strikes you’re out When it’s eminent domain!< img src=""
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