All posts in "Food"

The Six Essential Questions That Should Be On Your Food Storage Checklist

By / April 30, 2018

Any prepper worth his/her salt knows that one absolutely must have food stored away for any possible emergency. During a time of crisis, you are your own best friend. The supermarket shelves may be empty or the store itself may be closed, and if you’re unprepared, you’ll probably end up going hungry. However, storing food […]


Fighting Off Starvation When The Lights Go Out

By / April 18, 2018

When the grid goes down, you’re going to realize that virtually all the food you eat is already cooked. Of course you know that you have to cook your meat, poultry, fish, etc., but most of the things we consider to be outside of the need-to-be-cooked category have been cooked, just not by you. So […]


Food Storage Tips for the Long Haul

By / July 11, 2016

It is never a bad idea to have at least a small stockpile of food in the event of an emergency. Inclement weather events, power outages, and other disasters could make finding food outside of your home nearly impossible. Having something to fall back on is a smart and safe plan. Why Should You Have […]


The Survival Superfood You’ve Never Heard Of

By / June 29, 2016

There are two crucial benefits that have time and again earned this superfood the title of ‘ultimate survival food’: nutrition, and shelf-life. The name ‘pemmican’ comes from the Cree word ‘pemi’, meaning ‘grease’ or ‘fat’, and is a concentrated combination of dried, lean meat, fat, and protein. Used over the generations by the Native Americans, […]


Seven Proven Methods for Food Preservation

By / May 5, 2016

Most of us don’t remember a time when 21st century style refrigeration wasn’t an option available to us. These days we go to the store, buy whatever we need, then take it home and throw it in a refrigerator or freezer. While this is the lifestyle we’re used to, things weren’t always that easy. ‘Old-time’ […]


What the ‘Sell By’ Date Really Means (and other helpful food storage tips)

By / April 29, 2016

Every year, people in the U.K. throw away more than 93 million gallons of milk, 733,000 tons of potatoes and 473,000 tons of bread, according to U.K. supermarket chain Sainsbury’s.1 Similarly, the average U.S. family of four wastes more than 2 million calories, which equates to $1,500 worth of food, every year.2 Wilted or spoiled […]


Dehydrated Potato Flakes

By / January 7, 2016

Buying boxed potato flakes for quick and easy mashed potatoes may seem like a great idea most of the time, right? There are some weird ingredients in the most popular brand that I want to avoid and I like giving my family wholesome foods. Of course, you can easily store potatoes in a root cellar […]


Three Critical But Hard to Store Items

By / December 29, 2015

You’ve got a ton of vegetables canned. Your jellies look beautiful in their jars and you have a good variety of fruits. That was all a ton of work but it wasn’t hard to figure out. The question now is how do you stockpile the hard stuff like meat, butter or even eggs? There are […]


Food Storage for Diabetics

By / December 22, 2015

If you’re a diabetic, preparing for a disaster can be particularly challenging especially if you’re insulin-dependent. I’ve recommended increasing physical fitness in many of my other articles but I really want to stress it again, especially for Type 2 diabetics. In the last decade, the number of Americans with Type 2 diabetes has increased by […]

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