All posts in "Gardening"

Composting With Your Child

By / June 21, 2019

There are plenty of ways you can go about teaching this process of composting, and any way you choose it likely to be successful (insider secret: it’s not too difficult once you get the hang of it!) but children learn very differently than adults and will require extra attention and effort to figure everything out. […]


The Healing Powers of Eucalyptus

By / April 18, 2019

Eucalyptus is an aromatic herb that has properties that provide great relief as a decongestant and an expectorant. Vapor rubs, which are applied to the back and chest of a person with a common cold or other kind of respiratory distress, is made from Eucalyptus. It works to loosen the mucus in the chest so […]


The Secret Guide To Composting Like A Pro

By / March 20, 2019

Read Up The first and most important thing you can do is educate yourself. That’s right. You need to read up on the concepts, techniques, and all the other factors pertaining to composting. Much like learning a new language, immersing yourself with available information prior to jumping in will ensure that you’re giving it your […]


Pests: Weeding Out Threats In Your Garden

By / March 2, 2019

First things first: it’s important to know that just seeing a bug doesn’t mean you have a problem; pest in an organic garden is only normal. But there are times that one bug becomes two, and then ten, until suddenly you have an infestation that’s completely out of your control. At this point, you’re allowed […]


Tips and Tricks For Dynamic Composting

By / February 18, 2019

Balance the Ingredients The primary requirement in order for a compost heap to remain active is to have a balance of ingredients. If you have too much of a single component, your compost will eventually die down. Remember that a compost is inherently comprised of numerous organic ingredients, and to keep it in top condition […]


Revolutionize Your Garden With Soil Solarization

By / January 25, 2019

Would you like to know what one of the best ways is to get rid of pesky weeds and pests and some diseases as well? It is to solarize your soil. This technique is largely used in areas that have abundant sunshine and high temperatures. However, it can be adapted for cooler areas as well. […]


A Beginner’s Guide To Composting

By / January 11, 2019

If you’re into organic gardening you probably know by know about compost and how it works wonders to your garden patch. But for a lot of people, creating a compost pile isn’t really at the top of their to-do-list. Someone who isn’t familiar with the process could easily see it as too difficult or time-consuming […]


Helpful Tips For The Indoor Gardener

By / December 5, 2018

While most plants are quite apt to prosper indoors, they still need more or less the same conditions to grow as outdoor plants do: a good supply of fresh air, proper sunlight, water. and nutrients (usually found in fertilizer). Below are a few points to keep your indoor garden robust and flourishing year-round. Ever notice […]


The Only Tree Every Prepper MUST Have in the Backyard

By / August 28, 2018

A superfood tree has been quietly making its way into many American backyards. If you can spot this peaceful invader he’ll provide you with food (all parts are edible), water (it can purify it), more protein and calcium than milk, four times the iron of spinach and…a LOT more: The Strange Tree Preppers Are Falling […]


Four Frost-Hardy Spring Veggies You Can Plant NOW

By / April 11, 2016

At this time of the year, (especially for those in the southern states) it may be a while still before warm-season crops are an option. While that knocks things like beans, peppers, and tomatoes out of the equation (for the time being), you can get going with your cool-season crops now. Examples of what we’re […]

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