A first aid kit is a helpful and important item in homes and for outdoor adventures. It contains a set of medical supplies and other items for a medical emergency. Homes should have a first aid kit. A homemade kit can contain various medical supplies obtained differently. Although pharmacies or stores offer first-aid kits, they may contain low-quality and a lesser amount of items. These kits may contain items for treating minor injuries.
A homemade kit can be customized. It could contain more than the required medical supplies. However, the number of items that can be found in homemade first aid kid may vary according to the preferences of homeowners and users.
A first aid kit can be optimized by users. It can be added with other useful items that can be used in treating wounds, bruises, or injuries. Bandages and dressings are the common items that can be found in a first aid kit. Dressings should be sterile when they are used to protect wounds. Gauze roller bandages, adhesive bandages, triangular bandages, and elastic bandages are types of items that can be applied to secure a dressing. Nevertheless, popular less-costly adhesive bandages with dressing such as Band-Aid could be integrated into a first aid kit.
Medications should also be included in a first aid kit. These medications may range from antibiotics or antiseptics to painkillers. Alcohol, povidone-iodine, benzalkonium chloride, and antibiotic ointment are antiseptic substances to be applied on wounds and cuts. Ointments and lotions used to relieve skin itchiness can also be put in a first aid kit. Painkillers and antihistamine drugs can be included in a kit to relieve various ailments. Medications to treat skin disorders and problems such as aloe vera gel, burn gel, and petroleum jelly can also be stored in a kit.
Some items can be added in a first aid kit if it is used in outdoor activities. One can add items that are used to treat snakebites and motion sickness in a kit. Activated charcoal and syrup of ipecac are medications that can be used to treat poisons. They can be used as directed by the poison control center and can be included in the kit.
Instruments and medical equipment can also be integrated into a first aid kit. Splint, personal protective equipment such as gloves and CPR mask, space blanket, thermometer, BP instrument, hand sanitizer, tweezers, irrigation syringe, rubber suction bulb, and trauma shears are items that can be put in a first aid kit.
A first aid kit can help a lot when it is brought within an outdoor activity. It can be integrated into a survival kit.