All posts in " water "

The Most Important Item in Your SHTF Stockpile

By / April 29, 2016

Did you know that bleach, aka, sodium hypochlorite, serves purposes far beyond brightening your whites? As a matter of fact, it’s so versatile I would strongly recommend adding it to your emergency bug-out supply list. Still in need of a little convincing? Keep reading. Water Sanitation In a situation where boiling drinking water isn’t an […]


How to Safely and Easily Harvest Rainwater

By / March 28, 2016

No matter the situation, every prepper has the same thing at the top of his list for an TEOTWAWKI situation: water. Every well-informed prepper also knows that when it comes to water storage is not an easy thing. Where will you store it? How much is enough? In order to avoid a situation where you […]


Proven Methods for Filtering Water in a Grid Down Scenario

By / December 4, 2015

Having water on hand is just one part of being prepared. Knowing how to safely store, treat, filter and purify water can keep you alive. To know how much water to have on hand and how to store it, read Water Storage 101. This article reviews how to make sure water is safe to drink. […]


Dry Run for When the Water Stops

By / September 4, 2015

Something I have learned over the years is that my own experience coupled with the anecdotal experience of my peers will always trump the theoretical. Most assuredly, this also applies to coping skills learned in a disaster or what I like to call a “Disruptive Event”. Some of you might recall that due to a […]


Product Review: Portable Water Bladder

By / September 2, 2015

This Hydration Engine Bladder is much more than just a plastic bag with a drink tube that can only be used for hydration for one person. The GEIGERRIG system dramatically expands the uses for you and even others’ access to drinking water. The bladder is BPA FREE and PTHALATE Free. It has a unique spray […]


How to Find Water in the Wild

By / July 16, 2015

Clean drinking water is high on the survival checklist, second only to shelter. The fragility of the human body means that it can only survive a day or two, maybe less, without clean water to drink. Water is necessary to regulate the body’s temperature and allow maximum physical performance. Without doubt, in the case of […]


The Coming Water Wars

By / May 19, 2015

Water – An Interview with Jim Rogers Jim Rogers, Jr. is an American businessman, investor and author. He is currently based in Singapore. Rogers is the Chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests, Inc. He was the co-founder of the Quantum Fund and creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI). Erico Tavares: Jim, thank […]

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