The rise in violence from the Left has had me evaluating more self-defense options for myself and my family. I ran a few ideas by a cop buddy of mine and he warned me that his new tool is too powerful for most men. He only carries it off-duty because it’s not yet approved for law enforcement.
It looks like an ordinary survival tool you’d see at Cabela’s or Bass Pro Shop – but it’s not.
It’s been updated with a tiny military technology that makes a 300-pound meth-fueled man lose control of all bodily functions in seconds.
“It will paralyze the most brazen attacker immediately.”
The cop’s words, not mine.If you want to stay safe in a dangerous world grab this tool now.
NOTE: Because of its violent power it was mandated to have a built-in safety lock. But just like a gun you’ll want to keep this tool away from children.
It’s dangerous.
It’s also not approved for law enforcement. But it’s 100% legal to own since it’s yet to be regulated by most states.
To see this new tool (and to find out if it’s legal for you to own in your state) click here.
Stay safe!
Survival Dad
P.S. I should tell you something…
The manufacturers are offering this new tool at a 50% discount for a little while longer. They’re trying to get it on mom-and-pop store shelves nationwide before regulation affects it.
Check out the tool even police think might be too powerful for most men.