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FREE 72 hour survival food kits

By jeffc / December 18, 2018

I talked my buddy Frank over at 4Patriots into giving away some of his 72-hour survival food kits.  Watch: Claim your FREE survival food kit here Because everyone could use a food kit, 4Patriots is proudly distributing free survival food kits. With its long shelf-life its perfect for storing in case of emergency. For people living […]


Grab Your $20.00 Military Grade “Survival Wire Saw” FREE… While Supplies Last!

By jeffc / December 13, 2018

Lightweight, flexible, discreet and extremely durable – this pocket sized military grade Survival Wire Saw has been trusted by the United States Military for over 30 years! Precision crafted, stainless steel and powerful enough to cut through bone, wood, rubber, plastic, and soft metal. Yes it’s 100% FREE and ready to be rush shipped to […]


Attempted Murder in Broad Daylight

By jeffc / December 6, 2018

I’ve been warning that the collapse of our ‘civilization’ is right around the corner, and if you’re paying attention, you’re already seeing the early warning signs. One such example occurred this week in Los Angeles, when a man waited on a sidewalk for the right moment when we could pick a stranger at random and […]


Is This the World’s Most Dangerous?

By jeffc / December 5, 2018

If you’re paying attention to the slow-motion collapse of our civilization, you know that the violence and rioting that is rocking Europe right now will eventually find it’s way here.  If you’re a white Christian then your risks are even greater. I’ve been writing to you recently about the need to be prepared at all […]


[Declassified] “Special Forces Lightsaber” BANNED in 4 States already

By jeffc / December 5, 2018

Our newest survival tool has been banned! BANNED in certain parts of New Jersey! BANNED in certain towns in Maryland! RESTRICTED use in parts of Missouri! RESTRICTED use in parts of Wisconsin! Perhaps they’ll ban it in your state next? Could this be the reason our top-selling survival tool was banned? Make no mistake about […]


Prepper DEAL ALERT ???????? 75% Off Bear Grylls Knife

By jeffc / December 3, 2018

What you’re about to see is one of the best deals on one of the most popular knives you’ll ever see. I’ve recently started doing business with a major distribution company whose name you’d recognize but that I’m not allowed to mention here.  With that new relationship I’ve happened to score a major deal on the […]


One Prepper Tool “Too Powerful” for Most Men

By jeffc / November 27, 2018

The rise in violence from the Left has had me evaluating more self-defense options for myself and my family.  I ran a few ideas by a cop buddy of mine and he warned me that his new tool is too powerful for most men. He only carries it off-duty because it’s not yet approved for […]


One Prepper Tool “Too Powerful” for Most Men

By jeffc / November 27, 2018

The rise in violence from the Left has had me evaluating more self-defense options for myself and my family.  I ran a few ideas by a cop buddy of mine and he warned me that his new tool is too powerful for most men. He only carries it off-duty because it’s not yet approved for […]


They’re Tearing America Apart

By jeffc / November 23, 2018

I woke up this morning to see the predictable-but still horrible-headlines reporting that grown adults are fighting one another for Black Friday discounts on things like paper towels, TVs and other junk. Didn’t see it?  Here’s the headline from Drudge: I know what you’re thinking, “Those people are crazy and I’m not going out shopping […]


The Truth About Thanksgiving Day

By jeffc / November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving is here. The concept of Thanksgiving is pregnant with ideas that remain undetected by the vast majority of people who annually celebrate this holiday. Unlike Christmas and Easter, say, which, despite the secularization to which they’ve been subjected, are still regarded by atheists and agnostics as specific to Christianity and, thus, (too) “religious,” Thanksgiving […]

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