When we talk about armed shooters, the first thing that many people think about are school shootings. This topic has proven divisive, with many people demanding gun control and others saying that gun control doesn’t solve the problem. But this article isn’t a contribution to the debate. This article has been written to provide you […]
Here’s the bad news: the criminals always have it easier. That’s just the way it is. During a disaster or crisis, law enforcement will be busy dealing with many other issues such as rescue efforts, etc. They’ll be short-staffed and law enforcement will laxer. Most criminal acts are products of opportunity, and this situation is […]
The world we live in is no stranger to pandemics. From the Bubonic plague to the Spanish flu, various diseases and outbreaks have cost millions of lives throughout the course of history. It’s been a relatively long time since we’ve experienced a large-scale outbreak, and many scientists say that we’re long overdue for another. The […]
With crime being more present than ever these days, it always pays off to protect yourself. Although there are police officers and others out there who uphold the law, you never know when something may happen and they aren’t around. To protect yourself, there are several products and forms of protection that you can get. […]
This is a very common question that arises in self-defense classes. Should you resist and try to fight off your attacker, or give them what they want in hopes that they won’t hurt you? During a crisis, there’s always a huge spike in crime- particularly violent ones (sexual and not). And once effective law enforcement […]
Chaos is a criminal’s prime opportunity to get away anything. As a result, more people are hurt and killed during these desperate times. Here’s something they do not tell you in school- the majority of people involved in a criminal encounter end up as victims. This explains why many people (both men and women) who […]
What you’re about to see is one of the best deals on one of the most popular knives you’ll ever see. I’ve recently started doing business with a major distribution company whose name you’d recognize but that I’m not allowed to mention here. With that new relationship I’ve happened to score a major deal on the […]
In movies like Hostage, Trespass, and Panic Room where a home is invaded, the family is stuck with dealing with the intruders for hours. In reality, home invasions are quite rare. There are three primary reasons for this. Firstly, most burglars prefer an easy crime. They want to strike when the house is empty and […]
The rise in violence from the Left has had me evaluating more self-defense options for myself and my family. I ran a few ideas by a cop buddy of mine and he warned me that his new tool is too powerful for most men. He only carries it off-duty because it’s not yet approved for […]